MY Senses with Hydromar powerpack  

One of Hydromar’s unique selling points is our ability to supply yards with a total turnkey solution for standardised hydraulic boarding equipment. Together with a completely custom-designed hydraulic system, the electric system determines users’ comfort with and trust in the powering and operating of hydraulic equipment on board. Yachts can be equipped with all sorts of exotic hydraulic equipment but without a proper hydraulic system as the heart of the system none of this equipment will work.

Hydromar has a great deal of expertise in the design and production of hydraulic systems on board vessels ranging in size from small boats to superyachts. We can therefore guarantee a reliable hydraulic system perfectly tailored to your requirements. This system can be delivered fully commissioned, complete with electronic PLC system for the whole vessel.

We have developed a design based on a single integrated hydraulic system for all equipment, featuring a full backup emergency drive and full manual overrides for all hydraulic functions. We design custom hydraulic systems in our own engineering department and produce them in our modern production facilities. We also develop specialised hydraulic valve blocks when necessary.

In contrast to our company philosophy of tailor-made equipment based on standard versions, our system design and integration are fully focused on production custom-made to the requirements on board. This is one of our unique selling points. The system integration is developed in close cooperation with the requirements of the yard.

At Hydromar innovation is one of the key issues. The knowledge of shipbuilding, hydraulics and machining at Hydromar is developing each day so we are able to innovate on experience in stead of inspiration. It means that Hydromar can make sure that an improving or innovation at one of our products will be a success.

We are curious if you have an idea for a yacht but you don’t have the answer yet how to solve the hydraulic installation part. Hydromar will be pleased to cooperate in this development. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: sales@hydromar.nl or r.v.montijn@hydromar.nl